I simply cannot describe how those 4 years of undergraduat studies went by. I am incredibly grateful and proud of the journey and people that made it possible. People that was able to share my ups and downs with. People who became my family and made the whole thing worth it. Without a doubt best years of my life. Bering a part of the tennis team and part of computer science deprtment introduced me to people with verious backgrounds and ideas.
I was able to finish my degree in Computer Science with Summa Cum Laude honors, and get an undergraduate award of excellence during my final year for my work in classes and for the school. In addition me and my team were able to present our project IngredientLens on the research undergraduate fair. I am planning to continue my studies in Montata State University focusing heavily on the Machine Learning and methods of Data Science. I am looking forward and excited to see what future holds for me.